Home Registry of Deeds Hampden County Registry of Deeds

Hampden County Registry of Deeds

Hampden County Registry of Deeds

The Hampden County Registry of Deeds is currently headed by Register Donald E. Ashe. The Deeds Registry of this county of the state of Massachusetts can accordingly secure access to pieces of public documentation placed in the public record in this area. 
The Hampden County Registry of Deeds has maintained records on the ownership and otherwise permissible use of land in the area which go back to the date of 1957. In addition, Land Court proceedings for the area are accounted for by the Deeds Registry in a collection of information which can be traced back to the beginning of the Hampden County Registry of Deeds.
The Hampden County Registry of Deeds, by accepting pieces of documentation into its collection, allows for documents as such to become accessible for reference during the course of legal proceedings, and also allows for public interests and concern in such matters to be answered through reference to the Deeds Registry. Moreover, the Hampden County Registry of Deeds has an online, search-enabled collection of public records. 
That being said, the Hampden County Registry of Deeds has issued the disclaimer that the representation of a land deed found on the online Deeds Registry should not be interpreted as formal or legally meaningful proof of such ownership. In addition, people may also refer in person to the Deeds Registry at its physical location in a building in Springfield, Massachusetts. Such a reference may be necessary in order to effect full verification of a land deed.